Tuesday 15 May 2018

Bio3 -Colic Tablets


Colics of infants that cause them to draw up their legs, especially during teething. Colic of children and and adults from blockage of the intestines caused by flatulence or constipation with formation of gas. Spasmodic pains causing the patient to double up.

Bio7 -Blood Sugar Management Support

This mineral supplement is designed to aid the body in dealing with glucose.  It improves urination, relieves pain in the calves, thirst and sleeplessness. May improve kidney and nerve function impaired by diabetes and provide support for those with chronic liver disorders.

Constipation Relief Natural Remedy (BM21)


Description and Symptoms

Constipation is a common lifestyle disorder which is experienced by most people at some time. Symptoms will vary from person to person. Some will experience infrequent stools, for others it could mean hard stools, difficulty passing stools (straining), or the feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. The causes for each of these symptoms of constipation will likely be different.
Constipation is usually defined as having less than 3 bowel movements per week (4 for children), and severe constipation is having less than one bowel movement per week. The usual signs and symptoms of constipation include:
Cramps or abdominal pain
Hard, compacted stool which are difficult and/or painful to pass
Lack of bowel movement for 3 or 4 days
The following symptoms may also be present in addition to the ones mentioned above: Nausea, loss of appetite, passing gas with inability to pass stool, dizziness, coated tongue, bad breath, headaches and pale complexion.
There are a number of factors which can contribute to constipation however the root cause is usually dietary – not enough fibre or fluid intake, lack of certain vitamins or eating too much meat, eggs, dairy products or processed foods. Some other possible causes for constipation include:
Lack of exercise
Delaying the urge to have a bowel movement
Medications such as pain killers, especially those with codeine, antacids, antidepressants and iron tablets
Abusing laxatives or enemas, which upset the balance of micro-organisms in the gut
Health conditions/disorders such as IBS, hypothyroidism, spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, kidney failure, colon or rectal cancer, too much calcium in the blood, tumors and lesions of the bowel
Pregnancy and hormonal changes


BM 21 is a safe, non-addictive homeopathic remedy, specially formulated to support regular bowel movements and healthy digestion. BM 21 can be used to gently cleanse and flush out the system and support the body’s natural ability to pass a healthy bowel movement when needed, as well as remove toxins and waste by-products, without harmful side effects.
Conventional treatment includes the use of over-the-counter stimulant laxatives such as Correctol, Dulco-lax and Senokot, all which cause the bowel muscles to contract. Prescription medications such as Miralax (containing polyethylene glycol) are used to help soften the stool. Lubricants grease the stool, helping it to move through the intestine more easily. Mineral oil is the most common example. Brand names include Fleet and Zymenol.
Doctor’s will treat constipation depending on the cause, severity, and duration of the symptoms, however in most cases dietary and lifestyle changes, such as eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids will help relieve symptoms and help prevent them from recurring – without the need for over-the-counter or prescription drugs. It is important to be aware that constipation is a warning sign from your body that should not be ignored; it is letting you know that changes need to be made.

Talk to your family doctor if:

Constipation is new and unusual for you
You have constipation for 3 weeks or more despite at-home treatment (such as diet changes)
You have abdominal pain
You notice any blood in your stools
You lose weight without reason

Please note:

Advice provided from ANY website is not a substitute for qualified medical care. While we are very confident in the safety and effectiveness of our products, you should always consult with a medical professional in regards to any serious health problem.

Monday 14 May 2018

Bio26 -Healthy pregnancy and easy labor


If taken during the entire time of pregnancy these tablets will greatly relieve the pains of labour. They also favour the mothers general state of health and assist in the development and health of the child. They may also prevent miscarriage.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Bio6 -Cough and Cold Symptoms Relief


Constipation Natural Remedy (BM175)


Mostly there are three types of constipations seen, atonic constipation, that is irregular habit of bowel movement and loss of natural reflaxes. Spastic constipation, it is due to irritating foods and nervous disorders, thirdly obstructive constipation, it is because of the obstruction of the large intestine or malignancy of the colon.
Constipation is one of the commonest gastrointestinal symptoms suffered by human beings. This condition is truly universal and seen in all age groups, sexes, classes and races. Incomplete evacuation of hard dried faeces. If the bowel is not cleared well it can lead to a lot of symptoms such as mood disturbances, headache, flatulence, coated tongue, foul breath and lack of appetie. A diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and whole grain, has made constipation a common problem. BM Constipation compositum is quite helpful in the following causes of constipation such as irregular eating time. Faulty dietary habits like use of highly refined foods. Inadequate intake of water or fluids. Lack of sufficient rest. Change in ones usual routine due to illness, in travel, nervous tension, and worry. Poor muscle tone of small intestines due to lack of exercise in invalids and the aged, Intake of durgs and medicines like antispasmodic, antimotility drugs, codine, opiate, antacids etc. Difficult or
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Bio13 -Leucorrhoea Tablets

Leucorrhoea Biocombinations are base minerals that are used in the cell structure. They’ve been used for 200 years as a stand-alone system. But we’ve found that they work very well with the Homeopathic combinations, and people get BETTER outcomes, and FASTER results.


All forms of leucorrhoea during puberty, pregnancy and in the climacteric; in states of general weakness and hysteria.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Calendula Ointment a Natural Treatment

Calendula Ointment a Natural Treatment and First Aid for Cuts, Burns, Psoriasis, Eczema and Scarring - Gentle on Sensitive Skin by BestMade
  • A NATURAL & SAFE SOLUTION to quickly heal wounds and reduce the appearance of scars from acne or surgery.
  • EFFECTIVE & SAVES MONEY! Promote healing without antibiotics or harsh chemicals. No pricey laser treatments needed.
  • CALENDULA FLOWER POWER can soothe burns, rashes and treat cradle cap. It is a natural remedy to minimize stretch marks..
  • A MUST HAVE FOR YOUR FIRST AID KIT Antibacterial properties in a soothing ointment for babies, adults and old folks too
  • Does it take a long time for your wounds to heal properly?  Are you bothered by ugly scars FROM cuts, surgery or acne?  It’s hard to find a natural treatment for healing and for scar reduction, especially one that works even on the most sensitive skin. Creams from the doctor are expensive and often cause irritation and other side effects.   It would be amazing to find a product that provides a safe, effective and natural solution which is gentle on cuts and scrapes yet has the strength to care for your scars.  Keep reading to find out more.
  • Pain free, effective & Saves MONEY!  You need to promote faster healing of your scrapes and scratches without using more antibiotics, harsh chemicals or fragrances.  You want to find the stretch mark treatment and acne scar removal remedy; We offer you a simple solution for relief of burns and a treatment for surgical incisions or blemishes left on the skin from old injuries.
  • CALENDULA FLOWER POWER HEALS WOUNDS AND IS A NATURAL REMEDY FOR STRETCH MARKS.   The healing comes from the marigold flower use it when you fall off your bike, cut your finger, or touch a hot curling iron. You will enjoy the soothing results when you apply it to your baby’s diaper rash or cradle crap.  In the summer use for heat rash and allergies, put a jar of Calendula Ointment in the fridge for instant cool relief.  We use high quality Non GMO source plants and naturally occurring minerals we process them in a FDA registered facility.  This gives you a product that safely delivers the best possible result for you and your loved ones. 
  • WITH ALL NATURAL ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES & SOOTHING ALOE VERA that promotes faster healing and minimizes scarring.  This is a product for all the members of your family to use.  Make sure you have one in your First Aid Kit so that you will be ready when the next scratch or abrasion happens.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Bio15 -Menstruation Supplement


Menses painful and irregular, scanty and late in young women. Menses early, long-lasting and profuse in middle aged women.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Bio11 -Fever Reducer

Fever Biocombinations are base minerals that are used in the cell structure. They’ve been used for 200 years as a stand-alone system. But we’ve found that they work very well with the Homeopathic combinations, and people get BETTER outcomes, and FASTER results.


All kinds of fever, chills, initial stages of inflammatory diseases. In quick sudden swellings; pneumonia, Pleurisy and other inflammatory affections that tend so suppuration.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Calcarea Sulph 6X Natural Remedy


Bronchitis, tonsilitis, mucous discharge yellow & broad spectrum anti infection.
1. This remedy is indicated when the pus has found a vent, the infiltration has subsided but the discharge continues.
2. It is of service in bronchitis and tonsillitis.
3. It is useful remedy when mucous discharges are painful, yellow, thick and lumpy.
4. Regular use of calcarea sulphurica is very beneficial for infection in human body.
5. Burning & itching of soles of feet.


Adult: two tablets, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Bronchitis Relief Natural Remedy (BM165)


Inflammation of the bronchial tubes or bronchi. Inflammation may be caused by virus, bacteria, smoking or the inhalation of chemical pollutants or dust. Acute or chronic bronchitis. Bronchial wall inflammation can occur in asthma, shortness of breath, spasmodic contraction and much production of mucopurulent sputum, frequent attacks on bronchitis may lead to emphysema. Cold attacks, capillary bronchitis and bronchorrhoea.

Bronchitis is the inflammation of bronchi that is the two tubes into which trachea divides at its lower end. The first attack of bronchitis may be caused by viral or bacterial infection which inflames and enlarges the mucous membranes or lubricating glands of the bronchi and fill the air ways with mucous. The prominent symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing and continues coughing with phlegm. This is the stage of acute bronchitis and with the symptoms of fever, cough, spasmodic contraction and mucous production. In all the acute and chronic cases, patient has to pass through three stages. First is initial stage of bronchitis with the symptoms of infection or cold attacks, fever, dry hard deep cough, red hot face, red cheeks, red eyes, intense thirst, quick pulse and restlessness. Second stage is the bronchopneumonia with the symptoms of infection, cold runs down and settles in the chest with the involvement of bronchial capillaries. In chronic cases symptoms of breathlessness, sinuses,

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Bestmade Renecured Organic Kidney and Bladder Supplement Natural Urinary Tract and Renal Support

The health of your kidneys and bladder affect your overall well-being
For your body to work properly it must contain the right amount of water, and waste matter must be excreted. When this does not happen, toxins are carried in the bloodstream to your organs. This can result in elevated blood pressure, weakened bone structure and decreased red blood cell production
Because Bestmade Renecured Organic Kidney and Bladder Supplement is 100% natural, it will not counter-act other medications that you are taking. Renecured is vegetarian-friendly and contains no dairy, gluten or GMO
Bestmade Renecured Organic Kidney and Bladder Supplement is covered by our Satisfaction Guarantee. If Renecured does not perform to your expectations, we will issue a full refund of your purchase price, no questions asked

5.0 out of 5 stars
This is a really great detox/cleanse. The primary purpose is to rid the …
By Connie on June 1, 2016
Verified Purchase
This is a really great detox/cleanse. The primary purpose is to rid the body of toxins and impurities. Without doing, this can wreak havoc on your body.
When I opened my renecured bladder and kidney drops I couldn’t make out the smell. It was like a very light citrus smell. It was tasteless in the water. Per directions I added ten drops to one liter of water. I actually added five drops to one bottle of water twice since one liter equates to about thirty three ounces of water. I did this three times daily for two weeks thus far.

Belching BM215 ****High Potency For Great Results****Free Shipping


Everyone belches or burps at one time or another to relief gas build up in the stomach. It may be often embarrassing but for the vast majority of people occasional belching is not a problem that needs medical attention. The specific symptoms are too much gas in the stomach, drinking gaseous liquids, swallowing too much air, drinking or eating too fast.
Normally, the gas in the stomach is passed down stream into the intestines. Belching occurs when the stomach gas instead of going down, goes up into the oesophagus and is expelled through the mouth. Belching after a meal, especially after a big meal may be normal, it occurs as a result of air being swallowed while eating. The general symptoms of belching includes bloated feeling, abdominal distention and discomfort, regurgitation, heart burn, dyspepsia and indigestion.

Bone Marrow Supplement Natural Remedy (BM81)


Marrow system compositum is beneficial in various illments of the marrow system of the human body.
BM marrow compositum is found helpful in the disease of blood and nerves as well as the marrow system of the human body. Experiments carried in anaemia, leukemia, chlorosis and bleeding from orifices and also in hysteria, fits and similar diseases. Diseases of the spinal cord especially involving marrow seems to be beneficial by the use of BM marrow system compositum. This marrow system compositum keeps heating in its character.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Bestmade Bio28 Natural Lactose Free Mineral Supplement Cell Salts for Health Wellness Energy Boost

Cells are the building blocks of life
Your body – and each of its’ vital organs – is comprised of millions of cells. Those cells need to interact with each other in order to maintain your overall good health. However, cellular function can sometimes become impaired due to poor nutrition, aging or illness. Depriving your body of necessary minerals can result in cellular dysfunction, which in turn can lead to illness and disease. Bestmade Bio28 Natural Mineral Supplement fortifies your body with minerals and nutrients. This promotes healthy cell metabolism, optimizes connective tissue production, and helps cells form a natural barrier against damage. By restoring overall health and balance to your body’s cellular structure, you will experience renewed energy and physical wellness
Safe for all ages. Will not interact with other medicines and supplements
Bestmade Bio28 contains no chemicals or toxins, so you can use it in conjunction with other treatments. Because it is gentle and all-natural, it is safe enough to administer to children, in reduced dosages
Jan 28, 2017
Order arrived on time, properly packaged, and as described
5.0 out of 5 stars
Highly recommend it for cases where conventional medicine doctors fails to …
By Amazon Customer on November 4, 2015
Verified Purchase
This is my 2nd order for this product. It helped eliminate my chronic quadriceps tendon pain and quadriceps muscle pain.
Highly recommend it for cases where conventional medicine doctors fails to treat symptoms or find source of problem.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Intriguing Product!
By Concetta A. Frisk on August 6, 2015
I have never heard of Cell Salt Mineral, so I was quite intrigued to try this product after Googling what it was and its benefits.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pzPJu_UKQjk. When it arrived, I was surprised at the size of the bottle. It arrived sealed in a foil package and the bottle was shrink wrapped for security. It is full of roughly 220 small pellets. The amount of pills is not indicated on the bottle only the dosage of 3 pellets 3x per day. This will last approximately 24 days. Amazon’s price makes Bioplasma more affordable at approximately $.79/day. I have included a photo to view size. Now for the test. I don’t truly believe you see benefits with any supplement until you have used it at least a week, but this is my opinion after 2 days. First of all, I take thyroid medication and still have some issues of tiredness midday. It appears that I have not been as tired these two days. But again, I would like further testing of that aspect. Secondly, and I wasn’t expecting to have to test this, I smashed my nail. There is a cut on the nail that bled and started to blacken underneath the nail bed. I started the cell salt the same days this happened. Again, I can’t say definitely this is the result of the cell salt, but the nail is not as black as it was and appears to be healing very fast. So, after two days I am liking the cell salt and would have to rate it 5 stars. Why 5 stars and I haven’t used it that long? Well, first being,it is very safe for all ages and compatible with any medication. Secondly, it taste good and is easy to take. Like a Tic Tac. Ha ha. It is very helpful to view the you tube link above and research other information on it. If you use other supplements it’s going to aid in how the supplement is absorbed into the cells in your body making that supplement more beneficial. I plan on continuing the cell salt for the next 22 days and commenting back on any further or more definite benefits. I also believe I will be wanting to purchase again. I have purchased the Bestmade, Bioplasma Cell Salt Mineral for a reduced price in exchange for an unbiased review of the product.
1.0 out of 5 stars
when i took them, they made me feel strange …
By k taylor on February 1, 2016
Verified Purchase
when i took them ,they made me feel strange so i stopped taking them…
3.0 out of 5 stars
Three Stars
By tangal on March 21, 2016
Verified Purchase
didn’t really notice anything different after 2 bottles
3.0 out of 5 stars
Three Stars
By MWalker on January 4, 2016
Verified Purchase
Maybe I’m a tough customer, but I don’t feel a difference taking these and I really wanted to.

Backache Relief for Women BM110


Women’s backache, increased sensitivity to pain, symptoms of backache comes and goes, pain increases in stress and weather changes, constant standing in kitchen while doing household work and laundry work etc. The pain may be mild or of severe nature, digestive disorder and urinary complains are also the major factors of the womens backache. Depression or anxiety also causes fibromyalgia.
Backache in women is a particular topic and the remedy is developed by BM keeping in view the certain conditions that causes pain in the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. The pain occurs in the areas of the front of the knees, the elbows, the hip joints and around the neck. This homoeopathic remedy is particularly build up to help the females to get rid of backache as well as other symptoms of fibromyalgia. The following symptoms are of important nature which carries value to treat the women complaining backache. Frequent urination, abdominal pain, heart burn, constipation, pelvic pain, menstrual pain, coitus pain, stress, weather changes, disturb sleep and kitchen exertions etc.


Adult: 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Bone Density Supplement Natural Remedy (BM221)


Arg MetD10 100C, Aurum MurD10 100C, Calc FluorD6 60C, Calc IodD6 60C, Calc PhosD6 60C, IodiumD6 60C, SeleniumD7 70C Degeneration of bones is deterioration in quality and function of bones. Degeneration of bones is deterioration in bones condition with its poor and weak function of hardness and stability. The degeneration diseases are osteoarthrosis, athero-sclerosis and altheroma etc. The diseases are caused by the deposition of calcium salts or fats or fibrous tissue in the affected organ, joint or artery. Bone degeneration is a progressive degeneration that can be halted, or slowed, with proper chiropractic care and homoeopathic treatment. T
here are three phases of the degeneration which are, 1st is Loss of normal curves and misalignment restrict or exaggerate normal ranges of motion. Ligament and muscle strength is reduced. Even with nerve irritation and soft tissue inflammation, pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present. 2nd is Years of accumulated calcium deposition are now visible. Bone spurs attempt to fuse malfunctioning joints. Adjacent surfaces are rough and uneven. Joint instability is accompanied by continued nerve irritation and disc degeneration. 3rd is after years of neglect, complete fusion has immobilized the joint. Obstructed nerve openings cause permanent nerve irritation as soft tissue degeneration continues. This irreversible condition is usually associated with other chronic health problems.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Asthma Supplement Natural Remedy (BM97) ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping


Allergy is the leading cause of asthma. Symptoms occur in different seasons. Symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophils (white blood cells) are very common symptoms of allergic asthma. Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness are also the specific symptoms of allergic asthma.
The symptoms of asthma may vary among the people. Usually there is a scratchy throat, tightness in chest, cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Extreme difficulty in breathing, walking and even talking. The nostrils flares on breathing. Allergy is likely to be the contributing factor of asthma, if you have close relatives with this allergy i.e. mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or child. Allergic patients develop the symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophilia. Asthma is the chronic condition of the lungs and is characterized by difficult breathing. Finger nails or lips, turns gray or blue. Difficult to walk and talk and even extreme difficult breathing. Increased air pollution is also one of the alarming factors of bronchial asthma.

Dosage :

Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30ml drops standard quality packing