Tuesday 15 May 2018

Bio3 -Colic Tablets


Colics of infants that cause them to draw up their legs, especially during teething. Colic of children and and adults from blockage of the intestines caused by flatulence or constipation with formation of gas. Spasmodic pains causing the patient to double up.

Bio7 -Blood Sugar Management Support

This mineral supplement is designed to aid the body in dealing with glucose.  It improves urination, relieves pain in the calves, thirst and sleeplessness. May improve kidney and nerve function impaired by diabetes and provide support for those with chronic liver disorders.

Constipation Relief Natural Remedy (BM21)


Description and Symptoms

Constipation is a common lifestyle disorder which is experienced by most people at some time. Symptoms will vary from person to person. Some will experience infrequent stools, for others it could mean hard stools, difficulty passing stools (straining), or the feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. The causes for each of these symptoms of constipation will likely be different.
Constipation is usually defined as having less than 3 bowel movements per week (4 for children), and severe constipation is having less than one bowel movement per week. The usual signs and symptoms of constipation include:
Cramps or abdominal pain
Hard, compacted stool which are difficult and/or painful to pass
Lack of bowel movement for 3 or 4 days
The following symptoms may also be present in addition to the ones mentioned above: Nausea, loss of appetite, passing gas with inability to pass stool, dizziness, coated tongue, bad breath, headaches and pale complexion.
There are a number of factors which can contribute to constipation however the root cause is usually dietary – not enough fibre or fluid intake, lack of certain vitamins or eating too much meat, eggs, dairy products or processed foods. Some other possible causes for constipation include:
Lack of exercise
Delaying the urge to have a bowel movement
Medications such as pain killers, especially those with codeine, antacids, antidepressants and iron tablets
Abusing laxatives or enemas, which upset the balance of micro-organisms in the gut
Health conditions/disorders such as IBS, hypothyroidism, spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, kidney failure, colon or rectal cancer, too much calcium in the blood, tumors and lesions of the bowel
Pregnancy and hormonal changes


BM 21 is a safe, non-addictive homeopathic remedy, specially formulated to support regular bowel movements and healthy digestion. BM 21 can be used to gently cleanse and flush out the system and support the body’s natural ability to pass a healthy bowel movement when needed, as well as remove toxins and waste by-products, without harmful side effects.
Conventional treatment includes the use of over-the-counter stimulant laxatives such as Correctol, Dulco-lax and Senokot, all which cause the bowel muscles to contract. Prescription medications such as Miralax (containing polyethylene glycol) are used to help soften the stool. Lubricants grease the stool, helping it to move through the intestine more easily. Mineral oil is the most common example. Brand names include Fleet and Zymenol.
Doctor’s will treat constipation depending on the cause, severity, and duration of the symptoms, however in most cases dietary and lifestyle changes, such as eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids will help relieve symptoms and help prevent them from recurring – without the need for over-the-counter or prescription drugs. It is important to be aware that constipation is a warning sign from your body that should not be ignored; it is letting you know that changes need to be made.

Talk to your family doctor if:

Constipation is new and unusual for you
You have constipation for 3 weeks or more despite at-home treatment (such as diet changes)
You have abdominal pain
You notice any blood in your stools
You lose weight without reason

Please note:

Advice provided from ANY website is not a substitute for qualified medical care. While we are very confident in the safety and effectiveness of our products, you should always consult with a medical professional in regards to any serious health problem.

Monday 14 May 2018

Bio26 -Healthy pregnancy and easy labor


If taken during the entire time of pregnancy these tablets will greatly relieve the pains of labour. They also favour the mothers general state of health and assist in the development and health of the child. They may also prevent miscarriage.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Bio6 -Cough and Cold Symptoms Relief


Constipation Natural Remedy (BM175)


Mostly there are three types of constipations seen, atonic constipation, that is irregular habit of bowel movement and loss of natural reflaxes. Spastic constipation, it is due to irritating foods and nervous disorders, thirdly obstructive constipation, it is because of the obstruction of the large intestine or malignancy of the colon.
Constipation is one of the commonest gastrointestinal symptoms suffered by human beings. This condition is truly universal and seen in all age groups, sexes, classes and races. Incomplete evacuation of hard dried faeces. If the bowel is not cleared well it can lead to a lot of symptoms such as mood disturbances, headache, flatulence, coated tongue, foul breath and lack of appetie. A diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and whole grain, has made constipation a common problem. BM Constipation compositum is quite helpful in the following causes of constipation such as irregular eating time. Faulty dietary habits like use of highly refined foods. Inadequate intake of water or fluids. Lack of sufficient rest. Change in ones usual routine due to illness, in travel, nervous tension, and worry. Poor muscle tone of small intestines due to lack of exercise in invalids and the aged, Intake of durgs and medicines like antispasmodic, antimotility drugs, codine, opiate, antacids etc. Difficult or
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Bio13 -Leucorrhoea Tablets

Leucorrhoea Biocombinations are base minerals that are used in the cell structure. They’ve been used for 200 years as a stand-alone system. But we’ve found that they work very well with the Homeopathic combinations, and people get BETTER outcomes, and FASTER results.


All forms of leucorrhoea during puberty, pregnancy and in the climacteric; in states of general weakness and hysteria.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Calendula Ointment a Natural Treatment

Calendula Ointment a Natural Treatment and First Aid for Cuts, Burns, Psoriasis, Eczema and Scarring - Gentle on Sensitive Skin by BestMade
  • A NATURAL & SAFE SOLUTION to quickly heal wounds and reduce the appearance of scars from acne or surgery.
  • EFFECTIVE & SAVES MONEY! Promote healing without antibiotics or harsh chemicals. No pricey laser treatments needed.
  • CALENDULA FLOWER POWER can soothe burns, rashes and treat cradle cap. It is a natural remedy to minimize stretch marks..
  • A MUST HAVE FOR YOUR FIRST AID KIT Antibacterial properties in a soothing ointment for babies, adults and old folks too
  • Does it take a long time for your wounds to heal properly?  Are you bothered by ugly scars FROM cuts, surgery or acne?  It’s hard to find a natural treatment for healing and for scar reduction, especially one that works even on the most sensitive skin. Creams from the doctor are expensive and often cause irritation and other side effects.   It would be amazing to find a product that provides a safe, effective and natural solution which is gentle on cuts and scrapes yet has the strength to care for your scars.  Keep reading to find out more.
  • Pain free, effective & Saves MONEY!  You need to promote faster healing of your scrapes and scratches without using more antibiotics, harsh chemicals or fragrances.  You want to find the stretch mark treatment and acne scar removal remedy; We offer you a simple solution for relief of burns and a treatment for surgical incisions or blemishes left on the skin from old injuries.
  • CALENDULA FLOWER POWER HEALS WOUNDS AND IS A NATURAL REMEDY FOR STRETCH MARKS.   The healing comes from the marigold flower use it when you fall off your bike, cut your finger, or touch a hot curling iron. You will enjoy the soothing results when you apply it to your baby’s diaper rash or cradle crap.  In the summer use for heat rash and allergies, put a jar of Calendula Ointment in the fridge for instant cool relief.  We use high quality Non GMO source plants and naturally occurring minerals we process them in a FDA registered facility.  This gives you a product that safely delivers the best possible result for you and your loved ones. 
  • WITH ALL NATURAL ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES & SOOTHING ALOE VERA that promotes faster healing and minimizes scarring.  This is a product for all the members of your family to use.  Make sure you have one in your First Aid Kit so that you will be ready when the next scratch or abrasion happens.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Bio15 -Menstruation Supplement


Menses painful and irregular, scanty and late in young women. Menses early, long-lasting and profuse in middle aged women.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Bio11 -Fever Reducer

Fever Biocombinations are base minerals that are used in the cell structure. They’ve been used for 200 years as a stand-alone system. But we’ve found that they work very well with the Homeopathic combinations, and people get BETTER outcomes, and FASTER results.


All kinds of fever, chills, initial stages of inflammatory diseases. In quick sudden swellings; pneumonia, Pleurisy and other inflammatory affections that tend so suppuration.


Adult: 3-5 PELLETS, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Calcarea Sulph 6X Natural Remedy


Bronchitis, tonsilitis, mucous discharge yellow & broad spectrum anti infection.
1. This remedy is indicated when the pus has found a vent, the infiltration has subsided but the discharge continues.
2. It is of service in bronchitis and tonsillitis.
3. It is useful remedy when mucous discharges are painful, yellow, thick and lumpy.
4. Regular use of calcarea sulphurica is very beneficial for infection in human body.
5. Burning & itching of soles of feet.


Adult: two tablets, Children half of the same, three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.