Thursday 29 March 2018

Hydrocele (BM250)


Actea RacemosaD30 30C, Altingia ExcellsaD30 30C, Apis MelD3 30C, Calc CarbD200 200C, GraphitesD200 200C, Natrum MurD200 200C, RhododendronD30 100C, SamariumD3 30C, PulsatillaD3 30C
A hydrocele is a fluid filled sack along the spermatic cord within the scrotum. This problem is common in new born (infants ) the fluid build up can be on one or both sides of the scrotum. Hydrocele is mostly painless, swollen testicles on one or both sides, which feels like a water filled balloon. Hydrocele can be easily demonstrated by shining a flash light through the enlarged portion of the scrotum. Hydrocele may also be caused by the inflammation or trauma of the epididymis or testicles within the spermatic cord. This type of hydrocele is more common in the older men. The general signs and symptoms of hydrocele includes scrotum, may be firm and swollen. There may be no pain in older men, hydrocele may cause pain in the scrotum and groin. If hydrocele is enlarged much, there may be feeling of pain in the lower back.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Hernia Natural Remedy (BM246)


Aurum MetD200 200C, AesculusD200 200C, CocculusD200 200C, Nux VomicaD200 200C, PituitrinumD200 200C, SulphurD200 200C, MorphinD200 200C
A hernia is an opening or weakness in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. This defect causes a bulging of the abdominal wall. It can affect all ages including a new born baby to senior citizens. Specific symptoms include: pain, pressure or discomfort and a localized swelling somewhere on the surface of the abdomen or in the groin area; discomfort feeling after eating a meal; acid reflux (a burning sensation in the upper abdomen and lower chest, sometimes moving up into the throat). There are multiple factors which can increase a risk of developing a hernia or increasing pressure on the abdominal wall.
Following are the most common symptoms: a chronic cough, such as smokers cough, obesity, straining during bowel movements or while urinating, pregnancy, straining to lift heavy objects, persistent sneezing, such as that caused by allergies. There are different types of abdominal hernias such as inguinal hernia, epigastric hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia and incisional hernia. Hernia usually first becomes noticeable as a bulge somewhere in the abdomin or pelvic area or in the scrotum for men. If the bulge is reducible it may enlarge when the person is standing and becomes smaller when the person lies down. The changes in the hernias size are due to the increased pressure on the abdominal wall caused by gravity when we stand. A hernia may cause sharp or dull pain that worsens when having a bowel movement, during urination or while lifting a heavy object. This


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Asthma Support supplement BM109


Grindelia RubD3 30C, IpecacD1 10C, Blatta OriD1 10C, Lobellia InfD3 30C, DroseraD3 30C, Bryonia AlbD1 10C, Justisia AdhD1 10C
Chronic lung disorder which has three specific indications: coughing, difficulty breathing and wheezing in chest. Asthma is a disease aggravated by allergies, indicating the following specific symptoms: cough that produces mucus, shortness of breath (dyspnoea) aggravated by exertion/exercise, frequent respiratory infections, headache, ankle, feet and leg swelling.
Chronic asthma is often diagnosed when patients complain of difficult breathing while doing least exertion. Patients complain of difficult breathing while doing exertion. Patient often cough up thick mucus and their skin may have a bluish tinge caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. If patient develops severe dyspnoea or swelling of the legs or ankles they require immediate attention as symptoms are leading to congestive heart failure. Tobacco smoking, long term exposure to tobacco smoke, repeated respiratory infections, industrial exposures in toxic fumes or dust are also the known causes of chronic asthma. It may lead to the symptoms of mucus cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue and headache.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Asthma Support supplement BM109


Grindelia RubD3 30C, IpecacD1 10C, Blatta OriD1 10C, Lobellia InfD3 30C, DroseraD3 30C, Bryonia AlbD1 10C, Justisia AdhD1 10C
Chronic lung disorder which has three specific indications: coughing, difficulty breathing and wheezing in chest. Asthma is a disease aggravated by allergies, indicating the following specific symptoms: cough that produces mucus, shortness of breath (dyspnoea) aggravated by exertion/exercise, frequent respiratory infections, headache, ankle, feet and leg swelling.
Chronic asthma is often diagnosed when patients complain of difficult breathing while doing least exertion. Patients complain of difficult breathing while doing exertion. Patient often cough up thick mucus and their skin may have a bluish tinge caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. If patient develops severe dyspnoea or swelling of the legs or ankles they require immediate attention as symptoms are leading to congestive heart failure. Tobacco smoking, long term exposure to tobacco smoke, repeated respiratory infections, industrial exposures in toxic fumes or dust are also the known causes of chronic asthma. It may lead to the symptoms of mucus cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue and headache.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Blue Scorpion Remedy a Natural Supportive therapy for people with Cancer derived from Scorpion Venom

Blue Scorpion Remedy a Natural Supportive therapy for people with Cancer derived from Scorpion Venom|Improve Blood Cell Count and Hemoglobin Levels| Relieves Pain & Inflammation |Increase Appetite and Weight Gain

BEWARE OF LOW QUALITY KNOCK OFFS! Our product has a higher potency than many others.
BestMade Blue Scorpion Remedy is the ONLY remedy of this type made in an FDA registered facility.
IMPROVES HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS such as red blood cell and white blood cell counts and hemoglobin concentration.
PROVIDES RELIEF FOR side effects from cytostatic drugs and ionizing radiation also relieves pain and fevers
NON-TOXIC AND EASY TO TAKE just a few drops in water each day to see positive results. No side effects or unpleasant taste.
SAFE TO USE WITH OTHER TREATMENT OPTIONS so you can derive the maximum benefits from every available healing opportunity.
Blue Scorpion Remedy is a biotherapy meaning it is derived from a living organism; the active properties are found in the scorpion venom. This powerful substance will boost your immune system and improve how the affected organs and body systems function. Give your system the power to fight back!
Your body needs fuel in order to fight disease and illness; get back your appetite and see the resulting weight gain. This product also helps to reduce coughing and decreases pain and inflammation. Improve your quality of life with this alternative therapy and get back to enjoying your friends, family and activities.
This non-toxic natural remedy has no side effects and many positive outcomes. It is powerful and addresses multiple health concerns from nausea to how healthy your blood cells are. Don’t wait to start feeling better.

NOTE:  This product does not promise to CURE, or treat Cancer.  This is an all natural supportive therapy.  Do not use any website as a substitute for proper medical care.  Do not change, or discontinue any treatment, medication or diet without the support of your Doctor.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Asthma Support Cardiac Asthma BM216 ****High Potency For Great Results****Free Shipping


Adonis VerD2 20C, Lobelia InflD3 30C, Cactus GrandD2 20C, Crataegus OxyD2 20C, ConvallariaD2 20C, IberisD4 40C, LaurocerasusD4 40C
The specific indication of the cardiac asthma includes wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, pulmonary Oedema, symptoms of high altitude and heroine overdose.
Cardiac asthma is one of the signs of the congestive heart failure; it is caused by the inflammation of the airways and constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding the airways. The general symptoms of the cardiac asthma include dyspnoea, wheezing, coughing, palpitation, sinking of heart. Treatment of cardiac asthma includes proper diagnoses using X-Rays of the chest, electrocardiograms and breath sounds. Diuretics are used to reduce blood pressure and fluid in the lungs.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Asthma Supplement Natural Remedy (BM97) ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping


PhytolaccaD220C, BryoniaD3 30C, IpecacD2 20C, Kali SulphD10 100C, Kali MurD10 100C, Blatta orienD2 20C, Juncus Eff.D2 20C
Allergy is the leading cause of asthma. Symptoms occur in different seasons. Symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophils (white blood cells) are very common symptoms of allergic asthma. Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness are also the specific symptoms of allergic asthma.
The symptoms of asthma may vary among the people. Usually there is a scratchy throat, tightness in chest, cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Extreme difficulty in breathing, walking and even talking. The nostrils flares on breathing. Allergy is likely to be the contributing factor of asthma, if you have close relatives with this allergy i.e. mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or child. Allergic patients develop the symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophilia. Asthma is the chronic condition of the lungs and is characterized by difficult breathing. Finger nails or lips, turns gray or blue. Difficult to walk and talk and even extreme difficult breathing. Increased air pollution is also one of the alarming factors of bronchial asthma.

Dosage :


Ascitis BM181


Adonis VernalisD6 60C, Apis MelD7 70C, Ars AlbD7 70C, Carduus MarD1 10C, HelleborusD10 100C, Kali IodD10 100C, PulsatillaD10 100C
Mechanisms that produce ascites are complex and incompletely understood. Free fluid within the abdominal cavity. The main causes include liver disease, nephrotic syndrome and tubercal infection.
Ascites is a disease which is also known as free fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Ascites may be of small amount or large amount with the symptoms of abdominal distention, discomfort, anorexia, nausea, gastroesophageal reflex, flank pain and respiratory distress. The patient with the complain of ascites usually have an enlarged belly with prominent feeling of heaviness and discomfort, the legs swell and the patient is breathless perhaps has palpitation. Patient must contact the family physician because this condition can convert into a serious illness. Ultrasound is the best diagnostic tool to determine the presence of free fluid (Ascites) in the abdominal cavity.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Blood Sugar Supplement (BM138)


Blood sugar specific symptoms includes frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability and blurry vision.
Studies have shown the early detection of blood sugar symptoms and treatment can decrease the chances of complications. Sugar (glucose) is a source of fuel for the body which enters the blood stream. An organ called the pancreas makes insulin.
The role of insulin is to move the glucose from the blood stream to the muscle, fat and liver cells where it can be used as fuel. High blood sugar level can cause several problems and it can be classified as following. Symptoms of type 1 blood sugar are increased thirst, increased urination , weight loss in spite of increased appetite, fatigue, nausea, vomiting. Symptoms of type 2 blood sugar are increased thirst, increased urination, increased appetite, fatigue, blurred vision, slow-healing infections & impotence in men.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Blood Sugar Solution Natural Remedy (BM10)

Composition: Momordica CharantiaD1, NigelliaD1, Santalum AlbD2, Syzygium JambolD1, Uranium NitricumD2, Valeriana R.D2 Dosage: Adult 10-15 drops in some water 3-4 times a day, children half of the same or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Momordica CharantiaD1, NigelliaD1, Santalum AlbD2, Syzygium JambolD1, Uranium NitricumD2, Valeriana R.D2


Adult 10-15 drops in some water 3-4 times a day, children half of the same or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Blood Sugar Management Support Natural Remedy (Bio7)


Amygdalus PersicaD6 60C, Thlaspi Bursa PastorisD6 60C, CantharisD10 100C, Formica RufaD10 100C, Stigmata MaydisD10 100C, TerebinthinaD10 100C
The specific indications of haematuria may include protein in urine, high blood pressure, abnormal renal profiles, renal cystic or kidney stones.
Haematuria means the appearance of blood in the urine. Haematuria most commonly present in very small quantities which is only detectable by microscopic examination of the urine. Haematuria can originate from the kidney itself due to inflammation of the kidney. Apart from the other reasons blockages or stones in the ureter may cause haematuria. The most common causes of the haematuria includes kidney stones, inflammation of the kidney, urinary tract infection, kidney obstruction or enlarged prostate.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Thursday 22 March 2018

Anti-biotics Reaction BM57 ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping


Bacterium coliD100 100C, ErythromycinD100 100C, MedorrhinumD100 100C, PenicillinD100 100C, Succinic AcidD100 100C, SulphurD100 100C, TetracyclineD100 100C
Antibiotics side effects such as lethargy, swelling in joints and loss of appetite. Some of the other most common reactions are skin rashes, fainting, itching, indigestion, low blood pressure, disturbance in liver profile & diarrhoea.
Common side effects of antibiotics include stomach upset, diarrhoea and vaginal yeast infections (in women). Some side effects are more severe depending on the antibiotic. It may disturb the function of the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, or other organs. Blood tests are used to monitor such adverse reactions. Some people who receive antibiotics develop colitis (Inflammation of the large intestine). The colitis results from a toxin produced by the bacterium clostridium difficile, which grows unchecked when other antibacteria are killed by the antibiotics. Antibiotics can also cause allergic reactions. Mild allergic reactions consist of an itchy rash or slight wheezing. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can be life threatening and usually include swelling of the throat, inability to breath, and low blood pressure. Many people tell their doctor that they are allergic to an antibiotic. But in fact they have only experienced side effects from it that are not allergy related. The distinc


Adult: 10-15drops, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor. Children: Half of the same or as prescribed.

Angina Supplement Diocarde Drop ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping $34.99 Barcode: barcode Cardiac Insufficiency, Tachycardia Angina Pectoris Quantity 1 ADD TO CART SKU: 301 Category: 3 Specific Homeopathic drops (3) Tags: angina-pectoris, cardiac-insufficiency, constriction, dilation-of-the-heart, nervous-perturbations, organic-functional-affections-of-the-heart, tachycardia


Cactus Grand D2, Camphora D2, Crataegus D2, Ether D4, Strophanthus D3, Valeriana Ø.
May help in the symptoms of organic & functional affections of the heart, cardiac insufficiency, nervous perturbations, tachycardia, dilation of the heart, constriction, angina pectoris etc.


Adult: 10-15 drops in some water, children half of the same 3-4 times a day, or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Angina Remedy BM179


Acetylcholine ChlorideD30 30C, AdrenalinD100 100C, AconiteD100 100C, D.N.AD100 100C, Formic acidD100 100C, GlonoineD100 100C, HistaminumD100 100C, Mag PhosD100 100C
Paroxysmal pain, spread centrifugally to the arms, neck, jaw and epigastrium, down to the elbow up to the fingers. Intense emotional situation. Pulse feeble and irregular, acute pain, difficult respiration and spasmodic contraction of heart.
Pain in the region of the heart and originating there. It might run into the arm or the shoulder, often on the left side. The pain generally comes on account of strain exercise or fatigue. The pain is constricting because there is a sudden shortage of blood supply to the heart muscle. An increase in the severity of the pain or an increase in the frequency of the pain should be a sign for immediate professional consultation and great care. A condition with symptoms that are very liable to be mistaken for angina pectoris is the cause of great mental anguish to many men, especially youngish men, who think they have got the true angina. There is pain in the region of the heart, palpitation and sometimes pain down the left arm. Emotions bring on the attacks in men and women. Paroxysmal pain, caused by effort and other stimuli, is the cardinal feature of angina pectoris. There is constancy in its pattern. It is more common on the left than the right side of the chest and tends to spread cent


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30ml drops standard quality packing

Blood Circulation Natural Remedy (BM239)


CrataegusD2 20C, LaurocerasusD3 30C, OleanderD3 30C, ScopariumD2 20C, China OffD2 20C
Weakness of the conduction and hypotony as the after effects of phases of retoxicant impregnations. Exhaustion of the heart and lassitude ensue. The combined effects of the remedy already shows, after a few days treatment, in a correction of the venous tension and a regularization of the blood pressure. This preparation is ideal for feminine anaemia following upon loss of blood in child birth, or in cases of low blood pressure following upon infectious illnesses, i.e. influenza, angina, etc; also in general vegetative dystonia coupled with a lowering of blood pressure. The symptoms that are experienced can depend on which artery is affected and how much the blood flow is reduced. Some of the symptoms include: Claudication (this is a dull cramping pain in the calf muscle that comes on after walking a certain distance – it is relieved by rest). Numbness or tingling in the foot, or toes can occur. Changes in the colour of the skin (it becomes more pale, bluish, or reddish). Changes in skin temperature (the foot becomes cooler.) Skin breakdowns, infection and sores do not heal as well as they should.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Bleeding Symptoms Natural Remedy (BM27)


Arnica MontD3, Crocus SatD3, HamamelisD2, MillefoliumD4, SanguinariaD4, Secale CornD5, Trillium PendD3
May help in the symptoms of bleeding, including; dysfunctional uterus, post menopausal, pre-menopausal, unexpected vaginal bleeding , piles and accidental bleeding.


Adult:10-15drops, children half of the same,3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic Doctor.


Bladder Stones Natural Remedy (BM67)


BerbVulgØ 10C, Nat OxalacetD100 100C, Solidago VirØ10C, Thlaspi.B.P.Ø 10C, Stigmata MaydisØ 10C, Calcarea RenalisD100 100C, ParathormoneD30 30C
Nephrolithiasis is the process of forming a kidney stone, a stone in the kidney (or lower down in the urinary tract). The pain with kidney stones is usually of sudden onset, very severe and colicky (intermittent), not improved by changes in position, radiating from the back, down the side, and into the groin or low abdomen. Intense nausea, with or without vomiting is common. Stone migration, and tilting or twisting of the stone with subsequent intermittent obstructions may increase the severity or renewal of the renal colic pain. The severity of the pain depends on the degree and site of the obstruction, not on the size of the stone. There is distension (expansion) of the renal pelvis. Sometimes there is inability to urinate.            
The kidneys are responsible to remove waste products and unwanted water from the blood in the form of urine. If there is too much of certain waste products in the urine, these substances form crystals and when the crystals get combined they form stones. The stones may be happy to lie in the kidney and often do not cause symptoms there. However, when they pass down the ureter or their way to bladder, pain usually occurs. If stones get stuck on its way down to ureter, pain usually occurs in the form of renal colic. Griping pain spreads down to the groin, pain comes and goes in the shape of waves and there is a severe pain as the stone is being passed. There are symptoms of hematuria, burning sensation, urinary tract infection & urine pH is typically greater. Nephrolithiasis compositum is useful to remove the renal calculi of calcium, magnesium, cystin and urate kind of stone.

Monday 19 March 2018

Asthma Support Supplement Natural Remedy (BM109)


Grindelia RubD3 30C, IpecacD1 10C, Blatta OriD1 10C, Lobellia InfD3 30C, DroseraD3 30C, Bryonia AlbD1 10C, Justisia AdhD1 10C
Chronic lung disorder which has three specific indications: coughing, difficulty breathing and wheezing in chest. Asthma is a disease aggravated by allergies, indicating the following specific symptoms: cough that produces mucus, shortness of breath (dyspnoea) aggravated by exertion/exercise, frequent respiratory infections, headache, ankle, feet and leg swelling.
Chronic asthma is often diagnosed when patients complain of difficult breathing while doing least exertion. Patients complain of difficult breathing while doing exertion. Patient often cough up thick mucus and their skin may have a bluish tinge caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. If patient develops severe dyspnoea or swelling of the legs or ankles they require immediate attention as symptoms are leading to congestive heart failure. Tobacco smoking, long term exposure to tobacco smoke, repeated respiratory infections, industrial exposures in toxic fumes or dust are also the known causes of chronic asthma. It may lead to the symptoms of mucus cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue and headache.

Friday 16 March 2018

Anti-biotics Reaction BM57 ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping


Bacterium coliD100 100C, ErythromycinD100 100C, MedorrhinumD100 100C, PenicillinD100 100C, Succinic AcidD100 100C, SulphurD100 100C, TetracyclineD100 100C
Antibiotics side effects such as lethargy, swelling in joints and loss of appetite. Some of the other most common reactions are skin rashes, fainting, itching, indigestion, low blood pressure, disturbance in liver profile & diarrhoea.
Common side effects of antibiotics include stomach upset, diarrhoea and vaginal yeast infections (in women). Some side effects are more severe depending on the antibiotic. It may disturb the function of the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, or other organs. Blood tests are used to monitor such adverse reactions. Some people who receive antibiotics develop colitis (Inflammation of the large intestine). The colitis results from a toxin produced by the bacterium clostridium difficile, which grows unchecked when other antibacteria are killed by the antibiotics. Antibiotics can also cause allergic reactions. Mild allergic reactions consist of an itchy rash or slight wheezing. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can be life threatening and usually include swelling of the throat, inability to breath, and low blood pressure. Many people tell their doctor that they are allergic to an antibiotic. But in fact they have only experienced side effects from it that are not allergy related. The distinc


Adult: 10-15drops, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor. Children: Half of the same or as prescribed.

Angina Supplement Diocarde Drop ***HIGH potency for great results*** Free Shipping


Cactus Grand D2, Camphora D2, Crataegus D2, Ether D4, Strophanthus D3, Valeriana Ø.
May help in the symptoms of organic & functional affections of the heart, cardiac insufficiency, nervous perturbations, tachycardia, dilation of the heart, constriction, angina pectoris etc.


Adult: 10-15 drops in some water, children half of the same 3-4 times a day, or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Angina Remedy BM179


Acetylcholine ChlorideD30 30C, AdrenalinD100 100C, AconiteD100 100C, D.N.AD100 100C, Formic acidD100 100C, GlonoineD100 100C, HistaminumD100 100C, Mag PhosD100 100C
Paroxysmal pain, spread centrifugally to the arms, neck, jaw and epigastrium, down to the elbow up to the fingers. Intense emotional situation. Pulse feeble and irregular, acute pain, difficult respiration and spasmodic contraction of heart.
Pain in the region of the heart and originating there. It might run into the arm or the shoulder, often on the left side. The pain generally comes on account of strain exercise or fatigue. The pain is constricting because there is a sudden shortage of blood supply to the heart muscle. An increase in the severity of the pain or an increase in the frequency of the pain should be a sign for immediate professional consultation and great care. A condition with symptoms that are very liable to be mistaken for angina pectoris is the cause of great mental anguish to many men, especially youngish men, who think they have got the true angina. There is pain in the region of the heart, palpitation and sometimes pain down the left arm. Emotions bring on the attacks in men and women. Paroxysmal pain, caused by effort and other stimuli, is the cardinal feature of angina pectoris. There is constancy in its pattern. It is more common on the left than the right side of the chest and tends to spread cent


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


Thursday 15 March 2018

Asthma Support Natural Remedy (Bio2)


Nervous asthma accompnied by cough, gasping, irregular pulse. Asthma with troublesome faltulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air.


Five pellets 3-4 times a day or as prescribed by homoeopathic doctor.

Asthma Support Cardiac Asthma Natural Remedy (BM216)


Adonis VerD2 20C, Lobelia InflD3 30C, Cactus GrandD2 20C, Crataegus OxyD2 20C, ConvallariaD2 20C, IberisD4 40C, LaurocerasusD4 40C
The specific indication of the cardiac asthma includes wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, pulmonary Oedema, symptoms of high altitude and heroine overdose.
Cardiac asthma is one of the signs of the congestive heart failure; it is caused by the inflammation of the airways and constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding the airways. The general symptoms of the cardiac asthma include dyspnoea, wheezing, coughing, palpitation, sinking of heart. Treatment of cardiac asthma includes proper diagnoses using X-Rays of the chest, electrocardiograms and breath sounds. Diuretics are used to reduce blood pressure and fluid in the lungs.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Asthma Allergy Supplement Natural Remedy (BM97)


PhytolaccaD220C, BryoniaD3 30C, IpecacD2 20C, Kali SulphD10 100C, Kali MurD10 100C, Blatta orienD2 20C, Juncus Eff.D2 20C
Allergy is the leading cause of asthma. Symptoms occur in different seasons. Symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophils (white blood cells) are very common symptoms of allergic asthma. Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness are also the specific symptoms of allergic asthma.
The symptoms of asthma may vary among the people. Usually there is a scratchy throat, tightness in chest, cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Extreme difficulty in breathing, walking and even talking. The nostrils flares on breathing. Allergy is likely to be the contributing factor of asthma, if you have close relatives with this allergy i.e. mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or child. Allergic patients develop the symptoms of running nose, hay fever, skin conditions and raised eosinophilia. Asthma is the chronic condition of the lungs and is characterized by difficult breathing. Finger nails or lips, turns gray or blue. Difficult to walk and talk and even extreme difficult breathing. Increased air pollution is also one of the alarming factors of bronchial asthma.

Dosage :

Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
